You Generate
For the first two Kilowatts of power (approximately 6-7 panels) installed on your roof the Government through the SEAI is offering €1,600 (€800 per kW). For the next two kilowatts, €250 per kilowatt. The grant is capped at €2,100.
You Store
With battery storage you no longer have to say goodbye to electricity that you do not use immediately from generation via your solar panels.
You Use
Autonomy in auto-consumption is a reality today with battery storage and inverter software empowering the user in deciding when and where to use their solar generated electricity.
From your sofa at home or your desk at work our smartphone/ tablet app will allow you to see at the touch of a screen how much electricity you are generating, storing and using on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. You will also be able to direct energy generated towards specific tasks like heating hot water, powering your electric vehicle, or driving your choice of home heating.
You Save
The installation of solar panels is a positive step in achieving energy efficiency and reducing your carbon footprint.
You would be forgiven for thinking that solar PV in Ireland might not be very productive but levels of solar radiation here compare favourably with European neighbours such as Germany where solar accounted for around 6.2 – 6.9 per cent of the country’s net electricity generation in 2016.
Once your solar array is installed a cursory glance at your first ESB bill will show in black and white, that you have made a smart choice in choosing Energysmart for your solar install. Between bills, our management app will show you in clearly presented graphics, your savings on a daily or weekly basis.
Please see our customer testimonials by clicking the button below:

With a significant drop in installation cost and battery storage and with the correct level of Grants / Feed in Tariff offered a solar install could pay for itself in as little as 7 years.
Once the system has paid for itself the householder can then enjoy free auto generated electricity for the lifetime of the installation which is great news especially when one considers that panels have a life expectancy of 30-40 years.